This research examines the influence of gamification on formative assessment in the learning of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) among fourth-grade students at Don Bosco Educational Institution in Popayán. Traditional assessment methods, particularly numerical grading, continue to dominate both public and private institutions in the region, often overshadowing formative assessment approaches that focus on students' ongoing learning processes. In response to this gap, this research explores gamification as a tool for enhancing formative assessment. By integrating game elements into the educational environment, gamification fosters greater student motivation and engagement. Additionally, formative assessment enables continuous monitoring of individual progress, providing feedback that supports meaningful language development. The study employs a qualitative methodology, combining focus groups, observational formats, and a diagnostic test to assess the initial levels and learning needs of the students. The findings offer insights into the effectiveness of gamification in formative assessment, suggesting strategies that can better support and motivate students in EFL learning. Ultimately, this research contributes to advancing more dynamic and student-centered approaches to language assessment.